How To Protect Your Shoulder When Picking Up Children

Neck/Shoulder Pain eBook

Hey guys!

This is Dr. David of El Paso Manual Physical Therapy.

I’m here with my son, Ricky.

I know a lot of you might be dealing with shoulder problems & you love picking up your kids as well.

I love picking up my kid and swinging him around.

If you have a shoulder problem, say you’re recovering from a rotator cuff issue or some sort of shoulder problem, you always want to listen to the pain.

If the pain is there whenever you are picking up your kids, you know like right here in my left shoulder, you want to hold off on picking them up.

What’s that? He saw a squirrel. We’re at Memorial Park right now. There’s a lot of squirrels here.

Anyways, you want to refrain from picking them up because that could hurt your shoulder if you feel pain.

If you feel okay it should be alright. Now, I love to do this with my son.

He loves it, right?

“Ricky: Wheee!”

One of the tricks I do so that it’s not that much effort on my shoulder is put a squat into it.

So, of course if your back and legs are okay, you want to start from down here with a squat, and then as I’m coming up, then raise your arms.

Because that takes your rotator cuff muscles out of it, which is what commonly gets stressed in the shoulders.

I also ask him to help me jump.

So, it’s really easy on my shoulders, it’s more legs than anything.

I feel my core and my legs working the most with that.

Not that much on my shoulders. So, that’s a safe way to do it if you’ve got some shoulder problems, and really just to prevent shoulder problems in general.

Thanks, guys.

Have a great day!

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